Origins 2015 – I LIKE LISTS! (What games will be in my “go bag”)

Seriously, it's like he's eyeing up my stuff to figure out what's the tastiest.

Seriously, it’s like he’s eyeing up my stuff to figure out what’s the tastiest.

Welcome to the second Origins 2015 list! This time, I’ll be listing off the games I (currently) plan on bringing in my “go bag”.  Your wait what now? Yes, my “go bag”  I’ll explain after the jump!

My "go bag" doesn't have anything as cool or useful in the case of a disaster as this one, but mine definitely has way more games!

My “go bag” doesn’t have anything as cool or useful in the case of a disaster as this one, but mine definitely has way more games!

I have this thing where I really enjoy consolidating my games into as small a package as possible.  It’s been extremely useful for going to a game night, and while I never, ever end up playing them all, I still enjoy the flexibility of having more options in a small space.  This habit has come in handy when convention season rolls around, as I can be ready on the spot to whip out a good game, and not have to go all the way back to my hotel room first.

Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 4.51.30 PM

One of the key things I do to really cut down is I put all of the rules in pdf form in Dropbox.  I always have my phone or my ipad handy, so I can always bring up the rules on a device and not have to worry about bringing paper rules.

This year I’ve found some very handy deck boxes from Ultra Pro that have expanded some of the selection and types of games I can bring.


The first is the Pro-Dual Deck Box (Amazon). This one has a velcro closure and has two separate compartments for holding cards vertically and horizontally.  The velco closure allows me to hold tokens and other bits as well as cards without fear of them spilling out.


The second is the Satin Tower Deck Box (Amazon).  This one is nice because it’s already been designed for holding tokens, with a bottom tray that comes off, leaving the top section for cards.  This is the newest container in my collection, and I’m still learning the best way to make use of it, but it feels nice so it’s got that going for it.

All 8 boxes (front view)

All 8 boxes (front view)

All 8 boxes (Side view, incl. my messy-ass apartment) #PerpetualBachelorLife

All 8 boxes (Side view, incl. my messy-ass apartment) #PerpetualBachelorLife

So, now let’s talk about what I’ve got crammed into these boxes.  As you can see, I currently have 6 of the Pro-Dual boxes and 2 of the Satin Tower boxes.  I also have a clear Ultra Pro deck box. Pictured here are 19 games, weighing in at a little over 12 pounds.[/caption]

For me, this process is always changing so I never consider any contents final, but I’ll list out what I’ve currently got loaded up.

Satin Tower Box #1 Contents

  1. Stitchling
  2. No Thanks!

The upper portion holds all of the cards, as well as the chips for No Thanks, and the bottom tray holds the markers for Stichling.  Boy there are a lot of chips in No Thanks.  I think if I rearranged things I could use the tray for the chips and put more card-only games in the upper section.

Satin Tower Box #2 Contents

  1. Mundus Novus

Ok, so this is one of a couple boxes that only contain a single game.  It’s also the one I’m most leery of, as I have all of the money tokens and markers in the bottom tray loose.  I may end up putting them in a small baggie if I can fit it in, just for some added safety.

Pro-Dual Box #1 Contents

  1. Parade
  2. Tausch Rausch
  3. Eggs and Empires

Horizontal half holds Parade and Tausch Rausch and the vertical half holds Eggs and Empires and all of its tokens loose.

Pro-Dual Box #2 Contents

  1. Land Unter
  2. Abluxxen
  3. 6 nimmt!

I think this one is probably my favorite collection of games in one box.  If I only had room for one box, I’d probably grab this one.  Horizontal half holds Land Unter and a portion of Abluxxen and the vertical half holds the remainder of Abluxxen as well as 6 nimmt!

Pro-Dual Box #3 Contents

  1. Valley of the Kings
  2. Würfel Bohnanza

This box has the most free space in it currently.  Valley of the Kings in the vertical half, Würfel Bohnanza in the horizontal.  I also had to sacrifice the bean field board as well.

Pro-Dual Box #4 Contents

  1. Sushi Go!
  2. Red7
  3. Chronicle
  4. Pairs
  5. Potato Man

This box has the highest game-to-box ratio of the bunch.  Sushi Go and Red7 in the horizontal half, Chronicle, Pairs, and Potato Man in the vertical.  I don’t have the tokens for Chronicle in here as I didn’t think they were necessary.

Pro-Dual Box #5 Contents

  1. San Juan

This is another example of a single game contained in a single box.  It’s one I don’t typically carry around with me, but since it fit so perfectly, including its cardboard, I couldn’t resist boxing it up.

Clear Box Contents

  1. Las Vegas
  2. Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas was the game that started me down this dark path of consolidation.  As soon as I figured out that I could hold everything in a smaller box, I never looked back.  This box contains both the base game and its expansion and it fits perfectly.  My only complaint with it there’s nothing to keep it closed.  I’ll likely throw a couple rubber bands on it.

So, there you have it! My (current) go bag contents for Origins 2015.  If you have any questions, or would like to see me try and consolidate any other games from my BGG Collection, leave a comment or contact me on Twitter.  And if you see me at Origins and want to play one of these, let me know!

About Copac

Hey, I'm Copac

Posted on May 24, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Considering a tablet JUST for consolidating all the indie RPG PDFs…

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